Condemnation of the terrorist attacks against the city of Qamishli and the assassination of Father Hosib
Father Ibrahim Hanna Bidu (Hosib), the pastor of the Armenian Catholic Church in Qamishli, travelled to the city of Deir Ezzor, when an attack on his car killed him and his father. ISIS claimed the attack.
We extend our deepest condolences to their families and relatives and to the Armenian Catholic Diocese of the Euphrates and to the whole parish for their loss of Father Hosib. He was known to and loved by all the sons and daughters of all denominations and affiliations of Qamishli.
Condemnation of such barbaric acts of terrorism can only be expressed in the most strongest words. The Syriac Union Party considers this act a conscious targeting of Christians and the Christian faith by this vicious terrorist organization. ISIS has always actively sought the displacement and extinction of Christians.
Another indication of deliberate and barbaric targeting of innocent people and attempts to escalate the current unstable situation, even on the same day, are three car bombs, in the center of the city of Qamishli, wounding and killing dozens of innocent civilians.
There are many complications and conflicts in Syria. The biggest threat is the Turkish military invasion in northeastern Syria, a major cause of destabilization of security and stability in the areas of the democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. This instability created fertile ground for the revitalization of sleeper cells of terrorist organizations. Especially since the armed groups linked to Turkey are in part an extension of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, which are internationally classified as terrorists.
The Syriac Union Party condemns these terrorist attacks targeting Christians and clergy. In the face of these ongoing challenges that threaten our people, we stress the necessity and importance of continuing to fight terrorism, its sleeper cells, its ideology and all its supporters. The international community should work seriously to stop all regional interventions in Syria. The latter impedes the efforts of the United Nations in creating the right environment to advance the process of peace and seeking a just political solution in Syria that satisfies all its components, ends all conflicts and unites all efforts to continue fighting terrorism and ensuring stability in all Syrian regions.
Mercy and eternity upon the martyrs and healing for the wounded.
Syriac Union Party
Executive Board