Statement (in Turkish) on the fires in Syriac villages in Tur Abdin
ESU statement on the fires in several Syriac villages in Tur Abdin (Turkey) and Deyrulzafaran Monastery
After the fires of the last couple of weeks in Northeast Syria and Northern Iraq, recent fires have burned and destroyed (farm)land around the villages Bethzabday and Midin in the Tur Abdin region of Turkey. July 27 saw the burning of olive orchards belonging to the Deyrulzafaran monastery (Mardin). Also read: the comments by Evgil Türker (Federation of Syriac Associations in Turkey) and MP in the Turkish parliament Tuma Celik: Fires in Syriac Villages: 'Even if It is Not Sabotage, There is Gross Negligence Süryani Köylerindeki Yangınlar: Sabotaj Olmasa Bile İhmal Büyük