U.S. offers up to $5 million for information on kidnapped bishops
The U.S. Department of State’s Rewards for Justice program is offering a reward of up to $5 million for information on ISIS kidnapping networks or the people responsible for kidnapping Christian clerics Maher Mahfouz, Michael Kayyal, Gregorios Ibrahim, Bolous Yazigi, and Paolo Dall’Oglio.
| Read more … U.S. offers up to $5 million for information on kidnapped bishops
Bombing of St. Mary Church in Qamishli, Syria
On Thursday 11 July 2019 another cowardice bomb attack on a Syriac-Orthodox church was carried out in the city of Qamishli, Al-Hassaka province, northeast Syria. The bomb was planted in a van and parked in front of the St. Mary church. The bomb targeted civilians. It wounded several people and caused a lot of material damage.
Official Opening new ESU Office Hengelo Netherlands
On 7 July 2019 ESU festively opened its new Netherlands office in Hengelo. The European Syriac Union Nederland and Stichting Bahro Production will be the main occupants of the new office building.
| Read more … Official Opening new ESU Office Hengelo Netherlands
Bethnahrin Patriotic Union, Yezidi Exile Council of Sinjar and ESU visit Dutch MP Joël Voordewind on Sinjar & the Nineveh Plain
On Tuesday 25 June 2019, the Bethnahrin Patriotic Union from Iraq, the Yezidi Exile Council of Sinjar and the European Syriac Union, together with Sallux, visited the House of Representatives in The Hague for a meeting with Dutch MP Joël Voordewind of the ChristenUnie.
2019 European Parliament elections: ESU endorses CU/SGP & Bündnis C
ESU calls on our Syriac people in Europe to vote CU/SGP & Bündnis C on 23 May 2019.
The CU/SGP and Bündnis C are members of the European Christian Political Movement which is a European partnership of Christian political parties. Together with the other ECPM-members, Bündnis C and the CU/SGP have been committed to and supporting the Christians at risk in Iraq and Syria. In the public political arena through their political stance in debates and discussions. In the background through the joint lobby towards the European institutions and governments - inside and outside Europe.
| Read more … 2019 European Parliament elections: ESU endorses CU/SGP & Bündnis C
ESU at EP: Panel Discussion on the freedom of press in Turkey
Freedom of Speech in Turkey?
On 18 April 2019, ECPM and The European Post hosted a panel discussion in the European Parliament in Strasbourg over the freedom of press in Turkey. Rima Tuzun, foreign affairs representative for ESU was present and she offered a perspective from the minorities’ point of view.
| Read more … ESU at EP: Panel Discussion on the freedom of press in Turkey
No-Fly Zone over Northeast Syria
Stop the Ottoman Turkish invasion into Northeast Syria!
Don’t let Christianity be driven out of Northeast Syria!
ISIS is not defeated and Europe can stop a disaster for itself and the people of North-East Syria
Since 2014 our Syriac-Assyrian people in Syria and Iraq have suffered greatly under ISIS. Today we can see that ISIS is almost defeated after intense cooperation between SDF and International Coalition. Now however we urge European countries to step in as US forces withdraw from North-East Syria. The Christian communities there fear total destruction by the hands of Turkey, Iran and even ISIS as that is not fully defeated yet. We call on European
countries to join the UK and France in finalising the fight against ISIS and keeping North-East Syria stable. We and many experts believe that ISIS otherwise will return in strength.
Information regarding the latest events in Al-Qamishly, Al-Hassaka Province, Northern Syria
With the establishment of the Democratic Self-Administration (DSA) in North Syria, which was founded by the common will of Arabs, Syriacs and Kurds in 2012, a cornerstone has been laid for a new way of education with a new curriculum. The new curriculum ensures a democratic, pluralistic and multi-religious definition of the inhabitants of the region and approaches equal rights for the Arabic, Syriac and Kurdish languages.
Interview about Afrin – With Metin Rhawi
The attacks on Afrin made international headlines. We have invited Metin Rhawi - Head of foreign affairs to an interview regarding Afrin.