2025On this holy day, Christians around the world welcoming the birth of Jesus Christ, theKing of the Kings and our Savior as a song of miracle, new life and new beginnings.The period of Christmas is an occasion for solidarity, humanity, joy and peace.Despite all circumstances, obstacles and challenges, Christians around the world and Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrians in homeland and in diaspora welcome Christmas with joyand happiness.
Our world and especially Middle East region and particularly Syria are livingtremendously tectonic shifts, and all segments of society are impacted andchallenged. With the fall of the regime and its apparatus in Syria, while the awecontinues in the country, day by day the concerns and preoccupations of our peopleand minorities is increasing via-a-vis new rulers of Syria. Christians in Syria andelsewhere and especially international community have the moral obligation tomonitor situation closely and put their weight for the protection and well being of allcomponents in Syria and their rights and place are guaranteed and secured in newarrangements and take place with their political parties in the formation of new state.
To not forget also, Christians and small Syriac community in Holy Land and in Iraqface dire difficulties amid war, economic difficulties and societal changes. NinevehPlains always remains a top priority of Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people, and ourdemand of dignified life and autonomy demand continue. We will stand beforedemographical change and conflict between local and central forces.
On this day, we wish a joyful and blessed Christmas for our people and Christiansaround the world and may New Year bring peace, solidarity and fraternal harmony ofour world.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year