November 2012
EU ‘seriously concerned' about Mor Gabriel Monastery
The European Union has stated that it is "seriously concerned" about a court decision on the Mor Gabriel Monastery in Mardin.
The spokesman for Stefan Füle, the commissioner responsible for the Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy said the commission was concerned both about the verdict and about the fact that the litigation against the monastery had been started by state authorities.
| Read more … EU ‘seriously concerned' about Mor Gabriel Monastery
An outpost of Aramaic speakers; The battle for Mor Gabriel
WHEN the Young Turks enlisted Kurdish tribesmen to take part in the mass slaughter of the Armenians in 1915, Muslim clerics spurred on their flocks: those who slew Christians would be blessed with wealth and beautiful girls and their places in heaven assured. Although the deaths of around 1m Ottoman Armenians are well documented, little is known about the tens of thousands of Syriacs, one the world’s oldest Christian communities, who fell with them.
| Read more … An outpost of Aramaic speakers; The battle for Mor Gabriel