September 2007

BAGHDAD, IRAQ — Nabil Comanny and his family endured the dead bodies left to decompose along the road in their southern Dora neighborhood.
They accepted the criminal gangs that roamed the area, searching for targets to kidnap.
And neither the utility failures nor the mountains of trash in the street could drive them away.


Barack Obama wants answers. He wants to know what the State Department is doing in coordination with the Iraqi Government to protect Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq. The Brody File has a copy of the letter Senator Obama sent to Secretary State Condoleezza Rice. You can read it here.


Au terme de plus de vingt ans de négociations, l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies a adopté, jeudi 13 septembre, une déclaration symbolique reconnaissant de larges droits aux quelque 370 millions de personnes appartenant aux peuples autochtones, souvent marginalisés à travers le monde.


The project for an Autonomous Region for our Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people in its historical areas in a Federal Iraq, which started officially as a demand of our people in the Ankawa Congress, held on 12. And 13 March 2007 has a large importance in the agenda of the ESU. This project must be understandable and clear to all members of Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people. The demand for an autonomous region must be embodied in the Iraqi Constitution as well as in the Kurdistan Federal Constitution.


WASHINGTON - The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, an independent, bipartisan federal agency, has sent a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urging the U.S. government to address the severe threats to Iraq’s smallest religious minorities.
