Turkish police foil plot to kill priest
Egyptian prosecutor releases 7 Muslims arrested in attacks on Coptic Christian property
CAIRO, Egypt: Seven Muslims were ordered released Tuesday, two days after their arrest in attacks on shops owned by Coptic Christians in a southern Egyptian town that has recently witnessed increasing sectarian tensions, an official with the prosecutors office said.
| Read more … Egyptian prosecutor releases 7 Muslims arrested in attacks on Coptic Christian property
Les chrétiens d'Orient et l'Islam radical
Les bulletins de santé alarmants, les listes de migrants n'en finissent pas de s'allonger. Dans l'avalanche de nouvelles venues d'Irak, du Liban, de Palestine ou de Turquie, qui s'intéresse encore à la minorité des chrétiens d'Orient - 10 millions, en incluant les 6 millions de coptes d'Egypte -, à ces Arabes qui ne sont pas musulmans, qui brouillent le jeu international binaire (Israël-Palestine, Occident-islam), sont "trop orientaux" pour être compris des Occidentaux, "trop chrétiens" pour l'être des courants laïques et progressistes ? "Qui se préoccupe du destin de ce tiers exclu du grand récit Occident versus Orient ou McDo contre djihad", a demandé Régis Debray lors d'un colloque que l'Institut européen en sciences des religions (IESR), qu'il préside, et l'Ecole pratique des hautes études (EPHE) viennent d'organiser à Paris.
Dire Times For Iraq's Christians
(CBS) From the time of Jesus, there have been Christians in what is now Iraq. The Christian community took root there after the Apostle Thomas headed east. But now, after nearly 2,000 years, Iraqi Christians are being hunted, murdered and forced to flee -- persecuted on a biblical scale in Iraq's religious civil war. You'd have to be mad to hold a Christian service in Iraq today, but if you must, then the vicar of Baghdad is your man. He's the Reverend Canon Andrew White, an Anglican chaplain who suffers from multiple sclerosis and from a fanatical determination to save the last Iraqi Christians from the purge. White invited 60 Minutes cameras and correspondent Scott Pelley to an underground Baghdad church service for what's left of his congregation. White's parishioners are risking their lives to celebrate their faith.
Father Daniel (Edip) Savci has been kidnapped in Tur Abdin - South-East Turkey
According the news we have received, on Wednesday 28th november 2007 at around 14:00 pm, Father Daniel (Edip) Savci, a monk of the Syriac Orthodox Church, was kidnapped in Tur Abdin region which is in the South East of Turkey.
The monk Rev. Father Edip (Daniel) Savci is the abbot and residing at the Monastery of Mor Jacob in the Village of Saleh (Bar tepe in Turkish), which is situated only about 15 minutes driving distance from Midyat.
| Read more … Father Daniel (Edip) Savci has been kidnapped in Tur Abdin - South-East Turkey
Iraqis who fled homes in fear face new terror as Turkey targets PKK rebels
Refugees from across the country found peace in the Kurdish north, but are now threatened by shelling and cross-border raids
When Youssef Toma and his family fled their home in Baghdad's perilous Dora neighbourhood and found refuge in the peaks and valleys of Kurdistan, they assumed their fear had been left behind with their furniture.
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Iraqi Christians forced to flee homes or risk death
BAGHDAD, IRAQ — Nabil Comanny and his family endured the dead bodies left to decompose along the road in their southern Dora neighborhood.
They accepted the criminal gangs that roamed the area, searching for targets to kidnap.
And neither the utility failures nor the mountains of trash in the street could drive them away.
| Read more … Iraqi Christians forced to flee homes or risk death
Barack Obama’s Letter to Protect Iraqi Christians
Barack Obama wants answers. He wants to know what the State Department is doing in coordination with the Iraqi Government to protect Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq. The Brody File has a copy of the letter Senator Obama sent to Secretary State Condoleezza Rice. You can read it here.
| Read more … Barack Obama’s Letter to Protect Iraqi Christians
Les Nations unies reconnaissent les droits des peuples indigènes
Au terme de plus de vingt ans de négociations, l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies a adopté, jeudi 13 septembre, une déclaration symbolique reconnaissant de larges droits aux quelque 370 millions de personnes appartenant aux peuples autochtones, souvent marginalisés à travers le monde.
| Read more … Les Nations unies reconnaissent les droits des peuples indigènes
ESU and the Project for an Autonomous Region in Iraq
The project for an Autonomous Region for our Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people in its historical areas in a Federal Iraq, which started officially as a demand of our people in the Ankawa Congress, held on 12. And 13 March 2007 has a large importance in the agenda of the ESU. This project must be understandable and clear to all members of Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people. The demand for an autonomous region must be embodied in the Iraqi Constitution as well as in the Kurdistan Federal Constitution.
| Read more … ESU and the Project for an Autonomous Region in Iraq