November 2023

Conference Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria

Guests: Official representatives of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria

Live broadcast on Instagram @europeansyriacunion_esu


The 100th anniversary of the Lausanne Treaties of 1923 and the subsequent founding of the Republic of Turkey, as well as current events in the Middle East, provide an opportunity to reflect on fundamental principles. Does the ethnic, religious and cultural unity of a state really offer security and stability? What are the consequences of segregation, i.e. the so-called segregation of previously multi-ethnic societies? What methods have been and are being used? As we must realise, this is not a purely historical issue. What was illegal under international law back then is still illegal today. This lecture provides an overview of the most serious violations of international, minority and human rights law in the wake of the Lausanne Treaty of 1923.


Die 100. Jährung der Lausanner Verträge von 1923 und die anschließende Gründung der Republik Türkei, ebenso aber auch die aktuellen Ereignisse im Nahen Osten bieten Anlass, über elementare Grundsätze nachzudenken. Bietet ethnische, religiöse und kulturelle Einheit eines Staates wirklich Sicherheit und Stabilität? Welche Folgen besitzen Segregation, also so genannte Entmischung bisher multiethnischer Gesellschaft? Welche Methoden wurden und werden dabei angewendet? Wie wir feststellen müssen, handelt es sich nicht um ein rein historisches Thema. Was damals schon völkerrechtswidrig war, ist es auch heute noch.
Dieser Vortrag vermittelt einen Überblick über die schwersten Verletzungen des Völker-, Minderheiten- und Menschenrechts im Gefolge des Lausanner Vertrags von 1923.


On October 27, 2023, the Paulus Academy in Zurich hosted a significant event organized by the European Syriac Union Switzerland & Germany to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the historic Treaty of Lausanne. The event attracted around 50 enthusiastic participants and many others followed the live session on the social media platform and proved to be a resounding success, offering a valuable platform for knowledge exchange and reflection. The event spanned an impressive 4-hour duration and featured highly qualified speakers.
